Climate change is a global challenge, and to tackle it we need everyone to play their part - but what does that mean for small businesses?
Let’s start from the top. To mitigate the worst effects of climate change we need to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius. This was the conclusion reached in the Paris Agreement in 2015 and is backed by the latest science from the IPCC.
In order to achieve this 1.5 degree goal, science tells us how much we need to reduce our emissions by. This turns out to be about 50% reduction by the end of this decade. It sounds like a lot, but the earlier we start the more time there is to make changes.
Setting a target of halving your carbon footprint by 2030 is becoming a standard commitment for businesses worldwide. By adopting this target we are in line with the Science Based Targets Initiative, the SME Climate Hub, and many other target setting initiatives.
Cogo helps small businesses measure their carbon footprint and take climate action that’s good for the planet and good for their bottom line.