"Using Cogo, it’s easy to ‘quantify’ how big a difference your sustainable choices will make."

We chatted to Heather Donachie of Export Logistics about the company’s Cogo journey…

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What is your business called and what does it do?

"Export Logistics keeps export compliance simple and seamless, including supply chain management, logistics and end to end management of global trade movements."

Why did you start using Cogo?

"We created an impact model based on ESG principles last year, and this led to an enahnced focus on measuring our carbon emissions. Cogo fits the bill in terms of an easy way to measure and manage them.  "


Favourite feature?

"Cogo is super user-friendly; you don’t need any special software skills or programmes to start TODAY. "


What has Cogo done for your business?


"Helped us to understand top emissions categories"


"Enable us to plan to reduce these in a meaningful way"

"After using Cogo to understand which carbon emissions categories were our highest contributors, we started to plan active steps to reduce these including a swap in the type of car we utilise. It’s great that we can now ‘quantify’ how big a difference these choices will make. "

What would you say to others considering using Cogo?

"This should be something we all do by default and automatically. If you don’t have the resources internally to get it done, engage someone to do it for you. (Accountants can also use Cogo.)"

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